Thursday, December 11, 2008

Finally Pleased

Most of the time I have a pretty easy time filling containers with plants to my liking, but I have had a heck of a time getting these two very large pots on my back patio in SJC to live up to my expectations.

I first had two dwarf tangerine trees with nasturtiums around the bottom and that seems fine until the tree died for some unknown reason. I think they were over watered because of the large volume of soil in the pot which seems to retain moisture deep, but looks and feels dry at the surface. Then there were crape myrtles that were lovely while in bloom, but looked horrible when they went dormant.

Finally I decided on the classic Mediterranean look with 'Tiny Towers' cypress and white carpet roses. Not too exciting but at least they look presentable!


  1. I think they're lovely!

  2. I think the contrasts of the two in the pot is beautiful.

  3. A great combination, classic Mediterranean and always lovely!

    Another pot filler that I love and use are variegated euonymus, esp Silver King, and if i can grow it in a cone shape so much the better!

  4. That looks elegant. White really goes with your gardens. I hope this works!


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