Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Blogging

It has been a while since I have posted, due to an increase in my need to attend to other matters, namely the holidays. We had lots of family and activities to keep us busy over the last few weeks, not to mention a great amount of shopping, wrapping, shipping, decorating, card writing, cooking and all the other things that make it the busiest time of year. My blog had to wait. But now it is back to the garden and on with dreaming of days to come and what is next (with the help of a few new garden books I received as presents).

As you can see the Christmas tree has been abandoned to the compost area, waiting to be cut up and shredded for mulch for the azaleas and camellias that will appreciate the added acid. Our soil and water is very alkaline and many plants benefit from a little acid materials added to the soil.


  1. I know what you mean about cooking and other activities!

    Welcome back.

  2. Goodbye Christmas tree! It is a celebration for me! LOL. Too busy a time of year for me...I like the mundane everyday days of the year! LOL.


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