Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Camellias and Rain Do Not Mix

I have been waiting for this little camellia bush to bloom. It is a new one I put in last year and I have been dis-budding it for months to maximize the individual blooms. While I was out of town the flowers started to open and then there was rain. Rain spoils camellia blooms by turning them brown. There are still a few that are opening this week and there is no rain in the forcast so I will be able to salvage a few to float in bowls in the house.


  1. The rain must be a disappointment as this is a very beautiful bush -- but they'll look lovely in bowls inside.

  2. I also like floating camellia blossoms in a bowl! It looks like you still have plenty of blooms. Urrr the rain!

  3. Sheila, Isn't it frustrating that we have to leave, even want to leave but we miss the garden moments we waited for! Are they difficult plants?I was so tempted to purchase a camellia this morning but it might need conditions we can't provide....gail

  4. Gail, Camellias are fairly easy to grow as long as they are in the right location. They prefer shade and need rich, well-drained soil. Once established they can get by on little water. They do better with an acidic fertilizer once or twice a year. The only real problem they might have is petal blight caused by rotting blossoms on the ground so they need to have the soil kept tidy underneath them.


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