Monday, August 17, 2009

Sprinkler Woes

With no measurable rain for at least six months it is very evident where the underground sprinklers are inadequate. It can be a broken sprinkler head, a misdirected sprinkler, a timer malfunction, low water pressure or even a blocked sprinkler head due to the growth of a plant. I'm not sure what is going on here, but we are going to have to find out. However today there is a broken sprinkler pipe that has been leaking into the neighbor's yard for who knows how long, giving their trees a nice deep soak, that must be fixed ASAP!


  1. Oh I bet the neighbors were glad to get a free watering for their trees(-:
    It hasn't rained here in a long time either. I am ready for some!!!

  2. Oh man, that is so frustrating! If I showed my husband this post, it would give him one more reason why he doesn't want a sprinkling system, so I'm not going to show him! LOL! Can you believe I've gone 16 years without one? I hope you get yours fixed soon! Send your neighbor the water bill.

  3. That is not good for you, but the trees loved it. gail


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