Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Favorite Corner

There are places in my gardens that only a gardener could love. Kinda of like a "face that only a mother could love". This is one of them. To the undiscerning eye it may look like a mess of unorganized, unplanned hodgepodge of plants, but to me in is luscious. I love the abandoned freedom of the micanthus sinensis grass in the back of the bed. There are 'Tamara" roses arching into the picture, beautiful iris in bloom. A bit of lavender, abutilon, verbena bonariensis and brachyscome thrown in. There are sprawling pink carpet roses and even an Asian lily. All this lies in the dappled shade in the late afternoon. This garden moves in the breeze, is filled with bees and butterflies and smells heavenly. A perfect spot to sit in the late spring and admire a garden that inspires me!


  1. I love special spots in gardens that people share. the breeze blowing on the grass must make it perfect, thanks, Gina

  2. It does look beautiful! I love the grasses in the breeze. I just planted that same rose, and it sure is a beautiful one.


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