Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Sumemr Harvest

I am not a huge food-grower in my gardens. Mainly because of all the wildlife that seems to get to most of the vegetables before I do. But I do grow a lot of fruit. It is the perfect activity for the grandkids to explore the gardens looking for goodies on the trees. Peaches, oranges, apples and lemons where all harvested this week with the four oldest ones spending the week with us. Oh, and we have a strawberry patch that yielded enough sweet berries to decorate the youngest's birthday cake!


  1. Oh ja meine Liebe für die Enkelkinder ist es das größte im Garten zu stöbern und auf Entdeckungsreise zu gehen. Herliche Fotos hast du gemacht.

    Liebe Abendgrüße

  2. Oh my, how darling they are! And a good enough reason to grow the fruit for them to enjoy.


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