Monday, October 12, 2009

Colors of Autumn

I have never intentionally gone out and bought chrysanthemums to plant in the garden. They are most likely to end up there as an afterthought when I purchase them for holiday decorations and stick them in an empty spot after the blooms have faded. I typically forget about them until I notice them about to bloom in the fall and them I am so pleased when they put on their fall show so unexpectedly when other plants are winding down.


  1. I love this color Sheila. I hear what you are saying. All my mums came from Costco or somewhere else.Do you pinch your plants? stake them?

  2. Tatyana, I try to remember to pinch them, but usually not and I rarely stake anything. These ones stayed nice and bushy on their own!

  3. I love mums this color. I use them more for decoration as well then to purposely plant them. I really should though since they are so lovely in the fall. -Jackie

  4. I love mums as well. I cut mine back on or before July 15th(-: They are starting to bloom now(-:


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