Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Try Honeywort

There are some simple plants that I am just crazy about and cerinthe major purpurescens, or Honeywort, is one of them. It is an old-fashioned shrubby plant that is considered an annual, but it reseeds itself so easily that it has lived in my Laguna garden for many years with no need for any help from me. It has the most lovely shade of blue-green foliage with bluish brackets and those charming pinkish-purple flowers that hang like sweet little bells. It blooms for months in the spring and on into summer and the bees love it.  It likes full sun and I understand it makes a good cut flower when the ends are sealed with boiling water. I highly recommend you try it!


Angelika said...

Ein schönes Foto von einer Pflanze, die sehr selten ist. Da fühlen sich die Bienen wohl.

Liebe Grüße

RobinL said...

I have used Honeywort, or Purple Bells, or Cerinthe before. I planted it a few years ago and it STILL pops up now and then. Charming indeed.