Easy Shade
This is a raised planting bed that is in the front area of our Laguna home. It is surrounded by a stone wall, a wood fence and wood stairs and deck. It contains a large Monterey pine which pretty much shades the entire area. When we first moved in 18 years ago there were all sun loving shrubs that were suffering terribly. They grew and occasionally bloomed, but they were always infested with insects which is a sure sign that the plant is in the wrong location. I ripped them all out and replaced them with shade lovers, such as hydrangeas, ferns, liriope, clivia, fuchsias, jasmine and acanthus. Along the edges of the bed (which are almost hip high and very easy to work on) I occasionally plant shade loving annuals like violas and impatiens, but other than that this is fairly maintenance free!
Beautiful and peaceful! I love the shade especially on a hot day!!!
love it!
we have a shade area all along one side of our drive way that we plan to raise up and bring to life. right now the ground is just junk with rocks, bad dirt and really nothing happy there....big project so is taking time, but we have a plan. thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Sheila! I love your acanthuses! Stately plants! I have only one, but what a show it provides! Looking at your picture makes me want to plant more of them. Thanks! Happy 4th of July to you!
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