Roses in the Shade
Although I am a big proponent of the correct placement of plants (the right plant in the right place), I also have been know to stretch that theory, either on purpose or by mistake. Since I have so many roses in my gardens, sometimes they are planted where they are in full sun only to end up in shade a couple years later when larger plants grow and fill in. One time I was at a lecture given by a rather strict (and somewhat grumpy) rosarian and a young couple asked what roses were good for growing in an area that doesn't get much sun. He told them not to bother growing roses if they didn't get at least six or eight hours of full sun a day. Well, I'm not a rosarian, but I do have roses growing quite happily with less sunlight than that. One of them is the one pictured above, Tamora, which gets about three or four hours of late day sun. I also have Iceberg roses that grow in a bright spot that gets no direct sun anymore, although they are not as vigorous as their brothers and sisters growing in full sun. I have seen lists of roses that are recommended for shady locations, so if that was all I had available, I would definitely give them a try. You will find that they are typically light colored flowers.
I have a lot of roses in the semi shade now since the trees have grown so big. I don't mind. They bloom like crazy in the Spring then a few don't bloom much after that but thats o.k. with me. Actually here the afternoon sun is so hot most things fry. So afternoon shade is a must.
Hi Sheila- I do enjoy seeing the beautiful blooms you have in your gardens. I am always impressed at how well they perform and manage to stay completely uneaten by bugs!
I didn't know you could grow roses in part sun. I'll have to check out these varieties. I have lots of partially shaded areas so it would be worth it for me to do a little research. -Jackie
Heather, thanks for the kind words. There is plenty of insect damage on some of the roses from rose slugs, it just doesn't show in these pictures!
I'm glad to read about anyone having good luck with roses in shade! I have an Iceberg that does get some shade and is the biggest rose I have. I love 'Tamora' and will keep in in mind if I find space for another rose.
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