Haven't a Clue
I have been watching this plant grow for the last few months in the garden with curiosity. I have no idea where it came from, coming up in the middle of a cotton lavender plant. It looks like an amaryllis, but not like one I have ever bought or grown. There is a chance it it a 'gift bulb' that a vendor through into my order sometime. They do that. But I certainly don't remember planting it in this new bed! I'm not complaining, because it is a striking bloom and I am very happy to see it, as mysterious as it is! In fact once I figure out what it is I may buy some more!
Beautiful shot! That is some type of Hymenocallis, and they are part of the Amaryllis family. Probably H. narcissifolia, or Peruvian daffodil. I love these bulbs! :->
What a nice surprise to find. Definetely get more!
I've noticed several other bloggers having this same experience - surprises showing up in the flower bed. Beautiful photo, beautiful surprise!
Looks like a hymenocallis. Especially if it has big strappy leaves. Strange that it should just show up!
Glad you seem to be finding out the answer to your beautiful mystery flower Sheila. It's gorgeous ~ I want to order it too! Although if it grows in your garden, it may not here!
I have a lot of them. I have had several people call them Swamp Lilies, Cahaba Lilies or Shoals Lily. They are very stunning.
Hope this helps
I was going to suggest it might be the 'summer daffodils' I've seen in catalogs. Floridagirl had the same idea, though with more accurate names. Sounds like she knows what she's talking about.
What a delight when something unexpected and so pretty comes up. But it drives me nuts when I don't remember planting something, or when I can't identify a mystery plant! Your surprise lily is a keeper.
Thank you to all who helped me identify this beauty. Hopefully next year I can post a picture of a bed of them!
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