Amber Flower Carpet Rose
I am not crazy about all of the 'Flower Carpet Roses'. I use a lot of the white one, my favorite, but the yellow one gets too tall for my taste. I have a number of the pink ones that someone gave me and I like them too, although probably not as much as some of the pretty pink miniature roses like 'Minnie Pearl'. I do however like the new introduction, 'Amber'. It stays compact and the color of the blooms are quite nice. I have it mixed in with some Spanish Lavender, but they seem to bloom at different times, the roses later in the season than the lavender, at least this year. The blooms on 'Amber' take on different hues as they mature, another quality that I like. Very sweet, very pretty.
Very pretty.
if you just want the beauty of the rose gracing your yard, then growing a rose requires only a little more care than growing your average flower. It's certainly not the "bad boy" of the garden that so many people claim.
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