Not Big Enough?
While walking by this little wooden birdhouse in the garden the other day I couldn't help but notice that it was looking a bit tattered. Upon close inspection it actually looks like something has been gnawing away at it around the opening. The only birds that use this house that I have noticed are little house wrens, but maybe a much bigger bird is considering moving in!
Dear Sheila, I thought your bird box looked most appealing - very 'shabby chic', as we English say.
It will be fascinating to see if it will in fact be taken over by a larger bird. If so, then what happens to the wrens, I wonder?
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I had another thought, not a nice one. We have woodpeckers that will do that to try to get at baby chicks. Metal 'holes' are screwed on to protect them. I hope this is not what happened here.
Best wishes Sylvia (England)
My guess is that your ether feeding the birds too much turning them into fattys or you got a couple of 'bad eggs' doing a bit of vandalism. Ever notice hoe some birds just look mischifus? ;)
I don't know if you have squirrels, but I have a wooden birdhouse attached to the side of a tree. Wrens and tufted titmice used to use it...until squirrels started gnawing the wood. Over a period of a couple of years, it developed a huge opening-to the point where now a squirrel can go in through the front and just sit there.They have their own little house now! I attached covers to our other ones, but left the old one up--because the squirrels are a fact of my daily life. Might as well let them use it;-)
It does look like someone is doing some remodeling there :)
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