Monday, April 30, 2012

Bluesy Weather

Although it is still April we are getting the weather patterns that typically appear in late May and all of June and even some of July, rather early this year. Morning overcast until middle to late afternoon when the sun finally breaks through, or as we call it "May Gray" and "June Gloom". It seems like this weather phenomenon  starts earlier and earlier every year because the May Gray is a fairly new term. The beautiful Spring weather was a bit scarce this year, with what seems like colder than usual temperatures and now we are into the gloom. Maybe this means that we will have an early summer which would be nice, because we didn't have much of one last year, at least to my memory. The garden isn't much concerned and goes on blooming as usual, with the bearded iris making a nice showing in all their shades of blue to go along with the misty weather. Mildew can be a problem on plants like roses that may be prone to the disease, but it is nice weather to work outdoors!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What deep, rich colors!