This is about life in my gardens. One is an acre on a hillside in Laguna Beach, California and the other is an acre in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Aiming for Symmetry
I have flower beds on either end of the patio outside our SJC living room. They are for the most part very different with different plants and color schemes, however I have been trying to add a bit of symmetry at the very edges that face each other and wrap around the large pots on the patio which are mirror images. On the right side is a healthy and robust perennial, Blue Marguerite (felicia amelloides). It is quite pretty and I had put one in last year at the same time in the opposite bed that didn't make it due to the fact that it is in the direct path that the dogs take when they come bounding out of the house into the yard. I am trying again this year with this little one, after creating a bit of an obstacle for the dogs, however in review, maybe I should put in a much bigger one or maybe a couple more because it looks like it is going to be a while before it resembles the one on the other side and it is looking a little sad.
Maybe it will surprise you and really take off. We can hope, right? The view you showed of your patio looks just beautiful. I think the smell of orange blossoms (one of your previous posts) would be heavenly.
It does look very pretty. What a nice seating area, I love it. Your dogs are big so I'm sure they can be a lot tougher on plants than my little one. Hopefully the new one will grow quickly and the obstacle will help.
I love all the pretty colors! The blue marguerite is beautiful. I think blue adds so much to a garden.
Hi Sheila - the blue marguerite is gorgeous. I hope the dogs can find another way to the grass.
Your pictures are beautiful! Blue does have the ultimate cooling effect. No wonder those of us in hot climates seek it out.
Maybe it will surprise you and really take off. We can hope, right? The view you showed of your patio looks just beautiful. I think the smell of orange blossoms (one of your previous posts) would be heavenly.
It does look very pretty. What a nice seating area, I love it. Your dogs are big so I'm sure they can be a lot tougher on plants than my little one. Hopefully the new one will grow quickly and the obstacle will help.
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