Radishes are All Right!
I am a passionate gardener, have been all my life, but I will admit that I am a lousy vegetable gardener. Which is kind of ironic since I am a vegetarian. Somehow the thrill I get from gardening is more associated with the experience I get from being in a beautiful setting and not from eating the plants. I always grow vegetables and fruits and I have lots of herbs I use all the time (I also love to cook), but they are just not a priority. That being said, I am experiencing great joy from my little radishes that are ready for eating right now in the garden. They were planted from seed last fall and quite happily they are thriving with few problems! Most of my edible crops are enjoyed by the native inhabitants of the garden, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, birds, mice and even our dogs. But I am the only one that is a fan of radishes as it turns out. Works for me!
LOL. All those creatures finally realized they need leave something for the grower, otherwise they may not get any in the future :) I also love cooking, but recently my majority free time is devoted to my new passion: Gardening and cooking. I am sure they will tie together eventually.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comments.
Happy gardening!
Oh, miss-typed, I meant "my new passion: Gardening and blogging..." :)
I will eat raddishes, but I'm not a big fan. I grew some last year for a friend, and it seemed that was my best growing vegetable next to my string beans (which were ready for picking while I was in Florida).
congrats on the radishes. i haven't tried them in years - i remember my dad loving them straight from the garden, but i found them too bland for my tastes. my dad, like many things, would just douse them with table salt. anyway, i should give them another try in the fall.
Hello from a vegetarian who grows herbs and raspberries but not many veggies. I've noticed that the neighborhood cats help keep the bunnies and racoons away, but our squirrels! Sheesh!
Hello Sheila, our radishes are up but not as large as yours... we're a little further north and tonight the forecast is for freezing here in OR. Nothing like fresh vegetables from our garden; a grocery store seldom sees us in the summer.
Gorgeous! I try every few months but my zabillion slugs seem to be faster than me!
Hello Sheila,
We are a lot alike....I am an avid gardener, but my success with flowering plants and trees has yet to be matched with my vegetable growing forays. I am hopeful that my new vegetable garden does well :-)
I am a vegetarian who is rubbish at growing Radishes. They always bolt before I have time to pick them.
BTW - Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.
Sheila, I like radishes so I don't know why I don't grow them. Next year ... (see how you inspire people!)
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