This is about life in my gardens. One is an acre on a hillside in Laguna Beach, California and the other is an acre in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Daylilies Have Arrived
The daylilies I ordered from Oakes Daylilies arrived last week and are waiting to go into the ground. There are about two dozen of three varieties. 'Barbara Mitchell' is a pretty pink one that I have grown before along with 'Chorus Line', also pink but a smaller bloom. 'Louis Manelis**' is a small peachy colored one that was recommended in place of one that I ordered that does not do well in our area. We have to have the evergreen or semi-evergreen varieties because it doesn't get cold enough here for the dormant ones and the people at Oakes are good about contacting me if I order one that will be too challanging to grow in our area. I like to order from the Internet or a catalog because we don't seem to have a great variety of daylilies in the nurseries here. It is nice to have something in my garden that is not seen in every other yard on the block and I seem to be much more disciplined about sticking to one variety and ordering in bulk when I do it in my office as opposed to when I get to the nursery and get distracted with all the other plants! Now to wait for them to bloom!
** I had these down as 'Apricot Sparkles' which was the one I had originally ordered. Sorry!
That is so true about going to the nursery and getting distracted with other plants. I have to go with a list and I try to stick to it. It is hard to do, though!
Good luck with your daylilies. They are one of my favorites and I have several that I planted last year that are now beginning to naturalize. I can't wait till they start blooming!
Can't wait to see them in bloom.
Completely agree about the lack of choice in the nurseries around here. I'll be interested to see how these look.
Exciting, getting all those fans boxed up and arriving safely.
It takes a long time for me to prepare an order for daylilies. I want all of them. The names and descriptions make the mouth water.
Good choices. Chorus Line is a favorite of mine!
Nothing better than getting that kind of mail! I can't wait to see them blooming!
It's always so much fun to grow something you don't see all over your neighborhood!
I love Daylilies. Only wish they bloomed longer.
That is so true about going to the nursery and getting distracted with other plants. I have to go with a list and I try to stick to it. It is hard to do, though!
Good luck with your daylilies. They are one of my favorites and I have several that I planted last year that are now beginning to naturalize. I can't wait till they start blooming!
It's great to come home and find a treasure waiting at the front door. Enjoy the new daylilies. Can't wait to see them in bloom.
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