Dusting and Polishing
You know when company is coming how you tend to get around to doing all those little chores that you need to do around the house but have been putting off? The same goes for the garden, at least for me. This Saturday my SJC gardens will be open for the Master Gardner's Tour. This week has been busy getting to the last of the spring garden chores that were lingering on. New gravel is being laid in the vegetable garden and mulch is being spread on all the beds. Succulent gardens are getting some much needed weeding and there is major deadheading going on as many of the spring blooms are nodding out. Is there any perfect time for a garden tour? A few weeks ago I had the Laguna Beach Garden Club visit and many parts of the garden were at a spring peak, but the roses weren't open yet. This week the Spanish lavender that has been amazing for months is fading fast. Should I cut it back or leave the lingering blooms? One thing I always try to remember is that people won't know what it looked like last week so they won't know what they are missing. And I will try to not say those famous words that all gardeners utter at one time or another, "You should have seen the garden last week!"
Our Spanish Lavendar is faded, as well. This weekend is when the choppers come out for some mass deadheading.
Good luck with the tour!
Your garden is beautiful!! I wish I could see it in person. Have fun!
I would leave it for sure. You have beautiful gardens and I wish I were there on the tour. Have a good time. Everyone will find it beautiful.
Oh, those lucky gardeners, I wish I could take the tour, too! I love lav, so I'd say leave it.
From what I've seen with just a little time browsing your blog, I'd say there is always something worth seeing in your gardens. Wish I could take the tour. I'm off to see more of your gardens. Have fun with the tour!
I find it fascinating that a garden is simply never the same place twice. Seeing it only once is simply a moment in the garden's lifetime. The glimpses are worth it though aren't they? Wish I could visit, but I only make it down to your area a few times a year. I love it so much though that I had to follow your blog.
Our garden is to be open for a benefit tour in a week and a half, and I am struggling with the same sorts of questions. My issue is the fading daffodil foliage -not quite faded enough to cut off, but looking very scruffy!
I would not cut it! Your garden will be lovely no matter I would bet... I know what you mean though... so hard not to praise what just past! I wish I could join the lucky garden tour folks. Great success to you!
Oh how I wish I could be on that tour Sheila. I'm sure everyone will love your garden.
Sheila - that small 'field' of purple pin cushion flowers looks amazing. I have to remember how much punch that has (in a delicate texture kind of way).
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