Easy Drama
Looking for a dramatic perennial for a shady area? Consider calla lilies (zantedeschia). There are few plants that are easier to grow. They require moderate water, rarely are bothered by bugs or disease and will bloom almost year round in our climate, although the foliage is beautiful without any blossoms at all. The leaves and flowers can be cut and used for dramatic, long lasting flower arrangements. The ones growing in the upper level of this picture are easily five and a half feet tall, most likely because it got some fertilizer that was meant for a nearby rose. The only maintenance required is deadheading. I hate to admit that we kind of take them for granted, they are that easy. But what a lovely, lovely plant!
They bloom ALL YEAR !!!?? Mine bloom one time, and poofff, they are gone until next year. I am so jealous ! Gina
My wife loves Calla Lillies and I have been looking for something to grow in the partly shaded area in the front of the house.
Here, they are temperamental according to the weather. When it gets hot and humid, they go dormant whether they bloomed or not. In the fall, they come back and may or may not bloom before frost takes them out. When they do bloom, they are beautiful.
A master gardener! I'll know where do go if I need help :)
I would love to visit California one day and imagine that your gardens must be gorgeous!
I agree, they are a rather carefree, overlooked plant...sometimes so carefree that they border on being a bit weedy here. The gophers also seem to enjoy relocating them too, as we found (and removed) some down by the creek bed!
If only I lived in the right climate for this!!
I love Callas. But they are only good for house plants here. *Sigh* :(
Your callas really do make an impact! They are beautiful! Wow, I wish I could cut some next month to use in my son's wedding. Future DIL wants callas, callas, callas! Here, they do not like our very hot and humid summers.
Floridagirl, my DIL had callas for her wedding, but I ordered them from a florist. I was too worried that there would not be enough blooming or something would happen to them right before the big day so peace of mind prevailed!
How lovely and tropical looking. I had no idea they would get so tall.
Oh, I'm envious too Sheila. I have one plant I'm growing on a ledge in my pond. It has one lone bloom on it right now and that's it. Your clump is fabulous.
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