This is about life in my gardens. One is an acre on a hillside in Laguna Beach, California and the other is an acre in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bye-Bye Betty White
If you grow roses and live near the beach, you learn that big, overblown cabbage roses do not like it there. Just not enough heat to open their voluptuous blossoms without turning brown on the edges. When we moved to SJC a few years ago one of the first things I did was run out and buy the most beautiful, full blossomed hybrid tea I could find and that was 'Betty White'. I brought three of them home and put them in a lovely spot in the garden with the lavender and jasmine that were already here. SJC is about two miles from the shore and supposedly much warmer than Laguna Beach. Well, I finally have to admit that it is not warm enough for what should be a beautiful rose. I must have two dozen photos I have taken of this rose in the past few years and not one of them has ended up on my blog.They just don't look very good. I finally must admit that roses with a high petal count will just not do well in either of my gardens and stick to the ones that like it here. Luckily the David Austins do well in our climate and I do love single petaled roses so I will be happy with what I have. My three 'Betty Whites'? They will find a new home in the fall with someone who lives in a very warm climate.
My 'Betty' is plagued by Thrips, showing every bit of damage. Other roses with just as many Thrips show little or no damage--this one seems to be particularly prone to showing it.
The real Betty White is really seeing her career take off these days. Too bad the rose named after her isn't doing so well. I'd almost hate for a plant to be named after me just in case it doesn't do well for all of my fans...
My 'Betty' is plagued by Thrips, showing every bit of damage. Other roses with just as many Thrips show little or no damage--this one seems to be particularly prone to showing it.
The real Betty White is really seeing her career take off these days. Too bad the rose named after her isn't doing so well. I'd almost hate for a plant to be named after me just in case it doesn't do well for all of my fans...
I'll take 'em! I guess I'm a bit far away though;)
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