Daylily Dilemma
I am having a tough time with my daylilies this year. There are just not many blooms. It may be my own fault because I have been moving them and dividing them while I get the garden beds the way I want them. Or it may be the cool, cloudy weather we have been having isn't delivering enough sun or warmth. Maybe I have chosen the wrong ones since I order out of a catalog and not all daylilies adapt well to mild climates. I do have a few that are blooming consistently, like this 'Ed Brown'. I hope they are just waiting to put on their show later in the summer - if summer ever comes to Southern California!
It rained so much in Seattle this spring & early summer that the daylily buds rotted before they could open! It does take them a few years to recover from dividing. But I have 1 daylily that just stopped producing many flowers: 'Stella d'Oro.'
It could be either reason, but next year should be fabulous. They will show you how much they appreciate the extra space!
The weather in Boise has been extremely mild as well. It is usually unheard of to have the windows open in July and not have the AC on full blast.
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