Green Flowers
There are some flowers that have been hybridized to be green, or somewhat green anyway. There are green dahlias, green daylilies and green roses. I do not grow any of those and I probably never will. They kind of freak me out. Like blue roses. I must admit though that there are some green flowers that I do like and grow such as some lime green chrysanthemums that perk up my fall garden of blues and purples quite nicely.Then there are some flowers that turn green as they fade like hellebore and hydrangeas. I do grow those. A lot. Another green flower that I grow is not really green, it just goes through a green stage before it turns white is the snowball viburnum (viburnum macrocephalem). I fell in love with this bloom in a flower arrangement many years ago and went out to find it and put it in my garden. Mine is still small but I get excited when I see the tight hydrangea-like blooms open in their bright green state in the spring. I will use a few for arrangements and let the rest go on to turn white in the Moonlight Garden. It is a carefree, deciduous shrub that make a good background plant and is one of my favorites!
Green flowers can be tricky but I'll add one more to the list of those I think "work" - Green Envy Zinnia.
Yes, I love the green flowers. They work so well in arrangements.
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