First Poppy
Iceland Poppies have been blooming here for months. Except for mine. This is the first bloom I've had this season. For some reason I have a hard time with these annuals that seems so easy for everyone else! I can't tell you how many times over the years I have planted them and they have never bloomed. They grow in the island at the gas station, in front of the market and in every other front yard in the area, but for me they are elusive. I refuse to give up and I plant them every year. This may be the first and last bloom I get, but it is so charming I will just keep trying.
Isn't it funny how some things that should be so easy are so frustrating? I have the same trouble with nasturtium seeds :)
Lucky you ... one of my favorites :)
Sheila I love these little poppies .. I don't have any but I do admire everyone else's ! Thanks !
Somethings thrive on neglect Sheila. I've had that same problem with a few things too.
I have 5 different kinds of poppys planed this year. I love them, and am praying for a bloom too! Yours is beautiful! congrats~Brooke
Hi Sheila- I feel your pain. That is how coreopsis is for me. I can't seem to make it come back. This year I am not removing the dead top for spring (like I usually do). I am just going to see if it comes back without intervention. I hope so. It is so frustrating to plant things that don't perform.
Yes! I love hollyhocks, and they grow like weeds round here - only, you guessed - not in our garden! Nasturtiums are wilful things, I think it's better to transplant self-sown ones for some reason. Nigella even is like that.
A lovely poppy too!
You just gotta keep trying!
Beautiful poppies! Keep trying, because this first bloom worth it!
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