Lil' Happy Wanderer
A few years ago this fence in the Laguna Garden was covered with this wonderful vine called Happy Wanderer (hardenbergia violacea). It is very vigorous and is covered with these amazing flowers in the winter when few other things are blooming. One day I went out and 'poof', it was entirely dead. A gentle pull at the roots revealed them gnawed off at the base. The work of those pesty voles that menaced the garden whenever my guard was down. It broke my heart but I finally got around to planting another one last year and as you can see it is still small, but blooming profusely. Hopefully this year it will take off and cover the old fence again.
Sheila, I have never heard of or seen this plant but it is stunning. I am not surprised you wanted to grow it again. I can't believe that the voles eat the last one, it looks like a tough chew! Good luck with this one.
Best wishes Sylvia (England)
The little blue faces remind me slightly of pansies. I agree, a very pretty plant!
What a charming plant! Thank you for the introduction!
WOnderful garden blog... thank you for leaving a comment on my 'plot' so I could follow you over to your wonderful world. Can't wait to follow you this spring.
I just got my first two vines on Tuesday! I can't wait to get them in and growing up some fan trellises. They are so pretty!
What a beautiful, unusual vine Sheila. I wonder if it would grow in my zone (5)?? I should look it up. I hope the voles leave this one alone!
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