This setting is next to the garage in Laguna and the rose is one of my favorite climbers named Colette. I originally had a few of them in the lower garden where they were a lovely shade of peachy-pink, like the inside of a sea shell. They are very full, but have smaller blossoms, but not as small as Lady Banks or Cecila Brunner. In this spot they are definitely more pink than peach, maybe because they get less light.
The shy little angel captured my heart and when I brought it home I put it on the corner of the little retaining wall next to the steps and it never got moved, so there it is today.
In about two or three weeks all the jasmine on the wall will be in full bloom for a couple of wonderfully fragrant months.
I completely redid my front garden about eight years ago after going on a garden tour. One of the gardens was surrounding a small townhouse and comprised of very tall pittosporum Silver Sheens and peachy colored roses with a few white flowers for accents. I fell in love with the look and thought how peaceful and lovely it would be to come home to that setting every evening. I proceeded to cut down trees and rip out reliable but boring plants in my small front garden and planted my "dream garden".
It has evolved as gardens do, but it is still dreamy for me.
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