One of my neighbors in San Juan Capistrano has a lovely Tuscanny style landscape that I adore. In her yard are about fifiteen or twenty iris that are a lovely shade of purple that I swear seem to bloom all year round. I do love iris, however most of them bloom for a few weeks in the late spring and that is about it. The exception is 'Frequent Flyer' a beautiful white iris that blooms spratically throughout spring and fall.
When I had a chance to meet my neightbor one day about a year ago she told me the iris was called 'Frequent Violet' and she bought it at Roger's Gardens, a local nursery. For about six months I combed the internet as well as calling Roger's to see if they had any in stock, but I had no luck locating it.
I was going to knock on her door and ask my neighbor if she would share some with me the next time she divided them when out-of-the -blue I found about five one gallon plants of them at the annual garden show last April. I bought them all and was estatic! I put them in a prime location near my front door in SJC and waited. And waited and waited.
Finally, now in the middle of fall, one of the plants has started to bloom and I am thrilled! Of course my neighbor's iris are blooming their little violet heads off, but I am satisfied with just a few blooms on one plant that hopefully is the beginning of a long and prolific relationship.
Better late than never? Give them another season and see how they bloom. They're gorgeous.
Thank you for your visit and comment. You have a beautiful garden.
It is a beautiful colour and flower - well worth the wait :)
Congratulations on that first iris of autumn. It's a beautiful color, and even luxurious since it's not when you expect to see iris. I was up in North San Diego County to Buena Creek Gardens, and they had a number of reblooming irises in their offerings in a number of colors. I hadn't been enough attention to what the iris breeders have been doing the last couple of decades.
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