Saturday, January 22, 2011


I have to commend these white reblooming iris in the Moonlight Garden, they have been blooming non-stop all year long including the rainy season and the chilly nights. I have two kinds and they are very similar so I don't know which ones are consistently putting on a show. It is either 'Immortality' or 'Frequent Flyer', or maybe both! There is never a time that I can't find at least one in bloom!

1 comment:

Jan said...

The white iris' are just gorgeous. It is wonderful that you can have them year round! There is no white here at the moment, plant or snow-wise. I'd almost prefer a little snow to enhance the dull brown ground. But my backyard birds provide me with beauty to get me through. I am pretty sure I'd have NO problem acclimating to your CA environment!!