Next to green, the most prevalent color in my gardens must be purplish-blue. It is the backbone color in most of my beds and then I move into either complementary colors or contrasting colors depending on the mood I am after. This crane's bill geranium, 'Rozanne' is one that I use over and over in sunny, warm spots. It blooms most of the year and remains compact when it is cut back in the late winter. It is the perfect size for those spaces in between the shrubs and groundcovers. I have also noticed that the rabbits aren't particularly fond of it, although they did do the initial pruning on some in my front bed late last winter, they seem to have found something else they prefer since then.
Yay!! Something that rabbits don't like(-: They are visiting my garden regularly now. I guess the good food has run out else where. Oh well good thing I plant extra stuff for them to snack on(-:
Cindee, I work with a school garden that the rabbits are always devouring. We have found that highly aromatic plants like lavender and rosemary do well as do fuzzy, prickly plants like artichokes.
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