Blue and Green and... Red?
This is my garden outside the front door in SJC. It was grass until about a year and a half ago at which time I planted a number of shrubs and perennials and filled in with a few annuals. The color scheme is bright and cheery, my favorite blues, purples, a bit of yellow and white and of course, green. Everything is growing and filling in wonderfully, including a rather 'loud' volunteer!
This red impatiens must be reseeded from the plants that were here when we first moved into the house. I'm sure I will take it out any day now, but it kind of reminds me that too much perfection can be boring
I love the color coordinated beds. I always say I am going to do them, then never stick to it!
This border is lovely. I love your volunteer, too. It is like a bright surprise! I would keep it.
I dumped my Violas out of my hanging basket and into the garden as they weren't doing well. Amazingly they now look like yours and are providing bright spots of colour - so cheerful!
I love the blue, yellow and white theme...but the red adds a nice touch. I'd probably scatter red/pink/purples throughout the garden, because I just like a lot of color everywhere. And I don't have as much or as many plants as you do to fill up an entire area with those few matching colors. Yours is lovely...with, or without, the additional blast of color;-)
I thought I was 'following' your blog. I have no idea why I'm, I'll add myself.
Very pretty! It looks red/white/blue to me...leave it for the 4th(-:
I love finding those surprise volunteers. I love the border colors.
Sheila, lovely pansies you still have! I pulled all mine out so the summer things can go in even though they were still looking good...hard sacrifice! I had the same issue with color combination in my garden...a bright orange poppy in a bed of mostly pink blooms...I thought I had planted a white poppy! Oh you said, a little excitement!
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