These are the steps in the bottom part of the garden in Laguna. They are made from 4X4's and rebar. Although I didn't make these steps I did make lots of them throughout the hillside garden before I had any hardscape put in professionally after the garden was about eight years old. At one time these steps were covered in wooly thyme (which is now just on the edges) but a critter kept digging it up looking for grubs so I settled for gravel to keep them from getting too muddy. Steps are easy to do it the hard clay soil because they keep their shape while you are digging them out and installing the risers.
I love them, they are very nice
I love steps(-: Yours look lovely with the thyme growing along the edges(-: I love that stuff!(-:
They certainly are a good looking set of stairs. Critters always seem to complicate our plans and plantings! gail
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