'Brass Band'
My roses are truly beautiful, but if you look closely you will see that they aren't perfect.
'Honey Perfume'They may have a few spots of mildew.
'Easter Basket'Rose slugs are present on some of them.
Aphids may be munching on a few buds.
'Moon Over Miami' There are even a few spots of rust and black spot. But the important thing is that the bushes themselves are strong and vibrant and will not succumb to a little bit of insect or pathogen damage. I take good care of my roses by providing them with the correct amount of sunlight, air circulation, mulch and most important, a really healthy diet of organic nutrients that give them the vitality to grow through the inevitable attacks that they will endure as part of a vigorous, healthy ecosystem. And they reward me every day with these beautiful blooms. A perfect trade off in my opinion!