This is about life in my gardens. One is an acre on a hillside in Laguna Beach, California and the other is an acre in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuber Time
The dahlia tubers I ordered from Swan Island Dahlias have arrived and I have already got them in the ground! I jumped right on this task this year because I ordered some last year that sat out in the rain and rotted before they ever were planted. You have to love dahlias for their unbridled enthusiasm in the summer when other flowers are showing signs of stress. Some of them have flowers the size of dinner plates and they all make wonderful cut flowers. They are planted about 4 inches deep with a shot of bone meal (I didn't have any on hand so mine went naked), on their sides, in a sunny location with regular water, then just wait. They put on quite a show and in our area will return every year for a long time without having to be dug up and stored over the winter. The only problem is remembering where I planted them!
Well, I've never tried dahlias, but now you make me want to! It's hard to find something that will bloom through the terrible heat of August here in Texas; I'll read up on them and see if I think they could handle it!
You'll know where you planted them. Never heard of the Swan Island but I will check them out. Can't wait to see your beauties in all their beautiful colors.
Dahlias are always so beautiful! It has been years since I have grown them. Looking forward to seeing your photographs of "Dahlias in Bloom" this summer. Sherry
Just got my Swan Island order - Dad's Favorite. I'll be starting them indoors here in Connecticut. Can't beat the dahlias for joyful color all season!
Well, I've never tried dahlias, but now you make me want to! It's hard to find something that will bloom through the terrible heat of August here in Texas; I'll read up on them and see if I think they could handle it!
You'll know where you planted them. Never heard of the Swan Island but I will check them out. Can't wait to see your beauties in all their beautiful colors.
Dahlias are so pretty! You will have an awesome show this summer.
Dahlias are always so beautiful!
It has been years since I have grown them. Looking forward to seeing your photographs of "Dahlias in Bloom" this summer.
Me to, I like very mush Dahlias.
Because all the summer it's full of flowers and it's so easy to take care.
bye bye
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