Avocado Blooms
Avocado blooms are not the most pretty flowers in the fruit tree family, but they are among the most interesting. They have both male and female flowers on the same branch that open at different times of day and are propagated by bees. When the tree is in bloom the whole garden vibrates from the buzzing! When they are done flowering some of the buds become fruit and then new leaves emerge and the old, tired ones drop off, leaving a thick layer of mulch covering their shallow roots. You can see the brown tips on the old leaves that are caused by a high level of salt in the soil, the result of our alkaline water. Avocados bare heavy crops one year and light ones the next. These are California Fuerte, large and creamy fruit, the best you will ever taste!
You're so lucky to have them in your garden Sheila. I am addicted to avocados! Love them. Eat one almost every day. I didn't know how they flowered, polinated, etc. Interesting.
Oh what a treat to have those in your garden! Do you ever tire of them with their being so plentiful? I wouldn't. Or maybe I would, but like to think about having them so close at hand anyway. Yum.
Yummy! I love avocados. I wish they grew here!
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