Bridal Wreath Spiraea
Few shrubs are easier to grow with such a lovely flower show in the spring than spiraea. This double bridal veil one has been in the Laguna garden for about nine years and I haven't given it a thought, except for how beautiful it is when it blooms, since.
It has long, arching branches just dripping in blooms that add a lovely accent to cut flower arrangements, draping down the vase. Not much scent though. I have been looking for another one to put in my white garden in SJC and haven't had much luck. Maybe now that they are in bloom the nurseries will have them in stock.
Oh, my God!!!! Thank you!!!! I bought this shrub two weeks ago and I am trying since then to remember it's name.
I bought another shrub, a red one, but I don't know at all the name. If I find out, I will tell you.
I love your bridal wreath spiraea! I use to have one at my old house. I should add that to my list of things I need!(-: I have a spiraea japonica which I love dearly but the bridal wreath is just so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your pictures(-:
Few shrubs are easier to grow with such a lovely flower show in the spring than spiraea....flowering shrubs
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